Camp Korey is named for Korey Rose, a vivacious teen who lost his battle with bone cancer at age eighteen (2004). His father, Tim Rose, founded Camp Korey in 2005 with his family to honor Korey’s memory and create a haven for other families dealing with childhood illness and serious medical conditions.
Camp Korey is named for Korey Rose, a vivacious teen who lost his battle with bone cancer at age eighteen (2004). His father, Tim Rose, founded Camp Korey in 2005 with his family to honor Korey’s memory and create a haven for other families dealing with childhood illness and serious medical conditions.
Every child deserves the opportunity to “just be a kid,” and here at Camp Korey, we’re committed to making that a reality. That’s why our Family Weekends, Summer Camp sessions, Family Adventures, and retreats are 100% adaptable and 100% free of charge for campers and families.
Each year, Camp Korey brings joy, community, and new adventures to nearly 2,000 campers living with life-altering medical conditions and their parents, siblings, and caregivers.
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